13 Eerie

13 Eerie is a 2013 Canadian horror film directed by Lowell Dean, making his feature film debut. It is also produced by Don Carmody, Kevin DeWalt, Mark Montague and David Cormican and written by Christian Piers Betley. The film stars Katharine Isabelle, Michael Shanks, Brendan Fehr, Brendan Fletcher, Nick Moran and Jesse Moss. It entails the story about six forensic undergrads completing a university field exam on a deserted island, oblivious that the island was previously used for illegal biological experiments on lifeterm prisoners.

Shortly, Larry Nick Moran, an excon who transported the group, warns partners, Megan and Kate, about finding the unexpected corpse of a skinhead female in a jumpsuit which soon comes alive in their working area. Rob spots the zombie in the woods and tries to warn his partner, Daniel, who dismisses it. Due to the earlier damage, all of the walkie talkies lose battery life, and communication is broken. While in the woods alone, the zombie pursues Kate and cannibalizes parts of her. Josh and Patrick hear her screams and see a figures movements in the woods, suspecting there is a problem.As Larry tries to inform an initially skeptical Tomkins, who is upset with Larry for inadvertently destroying much of the equipment, Megan finds Kate injured, carrying her back to the student cabin before she dies. Rob, believing something is up, leaves Daniel to go out on his own. As Kate revives as a zombie and Rob approaches her as one after being bitten to death by the tattoo zombie Ryland Alexander and thug zombie Jason Truong, Megan is forced to gruesomely kill the two of them. The remaining crew splits up and searches for the missing others, and Daniel finds Megan. Back at the main cabin, as the zombies attack, Tomkins shoots the skinhead zombie that is outside and inside where Larry botches a molotov cocktail, the thug zombie is able to pull Larry underneath the cabin to bite him to death. ........

Source: Wikipedia